8 of GSE(Global Studies in English major) students from HJU are in the Wesleyan College in Georgia, USA for studying abroad.
Please enjoy our life in America!!

広島女学院大学GSEメジャーから8人の学生がアメリカのWesleyan Collegeに留学中です。

Monday, October 28, 2013

Class Soccer, Team Green Knights !

Here, Macon welcomed fall and ginkgo trees show us the beautiful yellow leaves in Wesleyan College.
Time flies, one season is now over since we've arrived in here.
Hi, for a while, I didn't take the role to write this blog but now, me and Alice is back (:

Wesleyan Collegeではすっかり秋らしい季節になりました。
少しばかりご無沙汰していたAliceこと有彩ですが、またここに記事を書くことができ、嬉しいです (:

Even summer is over, we still have a lot of fun events in college.
Of course, no body forgets fall is for Halloween season though we'll be able to have fun with another events as well.
One of these events, class soccer, me, Mollie and Yoshie are now joining it as the members of Green Knights (Sophomore team) for the games!

その中の一つ、学年対抗別のサッカーの試合にMollie、良枝、私がGreen Knights(二年生のチーム)として出場することになりました!

Today is the first day for the game, Pirates (Freshman) vs Green Knights (our awesome team ( ´▽` )   ).
Mostly, we all gathered with our interests then our careers of soccer is various.
Like me, I have no experiences for soccer but some of them have careers like Mollie.
(Yes, we shouldn't forget she is also a member of HJU soccer team!)

アメリカ時間の今日の放課後が初試合で、Pirates(一年生)vs Green Knights(二年生、我がチーム( ´▽` )  )の対戦です。
チームメイト全員がそれぞれ異なる経験値であっても、しっかりみんなが楽しめればよしというとても参加しやすい雰囲気で、毎回の練習も楽しみです (:
(私たちの帰国後もMollieと女学院サッカーの応援、忘れないでくださいね 笑)

This two weeks are class soccer weeks, and we'll have semi-finals and Championship at November 9th Saturday (:
Let me report our game scores and the progress of games.
Don't miss it!

試合の様子はまた追ってお知らせしますね (:


Sunday, October 27, 2013

突撃☆Halloween "T OR T"!!! and ... Thank you all. :)

Hello, everyone. I'm Shoko (not Shoku).
Incorrect! My name is Shoko Tokumaru.
上の写真は 先日、劇の受付係(usher)をしたときに渡された説明書きの余白部分に書かれていた 私の名前です。
"Shoku Tokamaru" ・・・なんか違う!

What this adorable princess is doing? さてさて。ここからが今回のブログの本題です。

この とっても可愛いお姫さまは、一体 何をしにやってきたのでしょうか。 

正解は もちろん


 寮に住む学生が 来客一人ひとりに、お菓子を手渡しでおもてなし。:)

※ちなみに、一番右の友人(zombie)は、実際のACTINGクラスで 私のPartnerです。さすが

Special decoration
Each floor has each THEME
今日の為に、みんなでコツコツ 飾りつけを頑張ってきたんだそうです。

ちなみに、フロア毎に "Horror"や"Princess"といった、テーマがあったそうです。。
"? Woman"
大人でも、張り切る人は 張り切るみたいです。

Today, "TRICK OR TREAT" event was held at 2 kinds of dormitories, Banks & Wordom, which a lot of freshmen lives in because Halloween was coming. When I was having lunch with some Chinese friends, they informed about it to me. For this event, a lot of children visited there. I really felt then, "Oh, it's real American Halloween...!!!"
今日は、来たるHalloweenにちなんで、少し早めの TRICK OR TREATイベントが、BanksWorthamという2つの寮で 催されていました。
個性溢れる 仮装姿のこどもたちが、黄色い声で "TRICK OR TREAT!!!" と言って、お菓子を貰いに 続々と寮を訪れる様子を目の当たりにして、「これが本場・AmericaのHalloweenなんだな~」と、実感しました
BanksWorthernは、主にfreshman(新入生)が入居している寮なので、Hightowerという 上級生向けの寮に住む私にとって、freshmanの友だちと一緒のときにしか立ち入ることのできない 希少な場所です。
Lunchを一緒に食べたChineseの友人たちから、運よく「今日の20時頃から、私たちの寮全体で、TRICK OR TREATのために子どもたちが遊びに来るんだよ。」という話を聞きつけた私は、Dinnerを一緒に食べたBanksの住人の友人に頼んで寮に入れて貰い、今か今か!と、その瞬間を体験するべく、応接間のようなところで待機していた訳なのですが・・・

Finally, they came!!!


Beyond descriptionでした!)

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Halloween is Coming!!

Hello! This is Mayu.

In America, we have a big event on October. It is Halloween!
We can feel some atmosphere of Halloween and getting some experiences of it these days!!


Pumpkin Curving

In a super market, we can get pumpkins for Halloween. We curve it and use it as a decollation! 


At a super market

Yesterday, I did it with my Equestrian team members! In Japan, many of us think that it is only Jack-o-Lantern, but there are so many other designs. Halloween is much much bigger event in America, compare to Japan, and it is really popular!!


Pumpkin and Curving kit

This is my pumpkin! I think I did it pretty well :)


with my friends, Charline and Brittany♡

Halloween is the biggest festival while we are staying at this college! It is great that we can experience different culture, and we can enjoy it so much!! I can feel and understand some cultural differences between America and Japan. Knowing them is really interesting!!
It is one week before the day! I am excited for October 31st!!


Thank you for reading!

Friday, October 18, 2013

the church service by Jimmy Carter

Hi!! I'm Mizuki :)

I had a chance to  go to Maranatha Baptist Church. Jimmy Carter still sometimes teach a Sunday School in there. Anyone can attend it.
Therefore, I could meet former president Jimmy Carter and attend church service :)!!! A lot of people came from some states like Alabama, Los Angels and Chicago.
He taught us about Abraham. When Abraham made a mistake, he believed God from the bottom of his heart and, he followed what God said. That is the key point for him. Jimmy Carter did a same thing. He said that "I'm not a perfect man, but I believe God, and I follow what God said". That leads him.
After I attended a normal church service, I could take a picture with him. Actually, I could not talk with him directly, but that was a good time for me.

こんにちは。瑞季です :)

元大統領 Jimmy Carterさんが今でも日曜礼拝を行っている教会に行く機会がありました!誰でも参加することが出来るのですが、その日もいろいろな州からたくさんの人がJimmy Carterさんの説教を聞きに来てました。その日のお話はアブラハムについてでした!アブラハムは過ちをおかし民から疎外された時、神を心の底から信じ、神の言葉に従ってきました。神を信じ、従うことが彼を良い方へ導きました。Jimmy Carterさんは、「私は完璧な人間でない。しかし、神を信じ、神の言葉に従っている。」とおっしゃいまいました!彼が行ってきた様々な行為の原点はそこにあるんだと思います :)
その後通常の礼拝にも参加し、最後にJimmy Carterさんと奥さんと一緒に写真を撮っていただくことができました♡

I learned the history of Jimmy Carter. I went to Plains High School, Boyhood Farm and Andersonville.
Jimmy Carter was graduated from Plains High School and now, that became a museum about Jimmy Carter. He made an effort to make a peaceful world. He often visited a lot of country during he was a president and after that, for example, he went to Africa to help poor people from health problems. I'm proud of him and his act.

Jimmy Carterさんの歴史や活動を知るため、Plains High SchoolやBoyhood Farm、Adersonville に行ってきました。
Plains High SchoolはJimmy Carterさんが卒業した高校で今では資料館となっています。アフリカの貧困地域における健康問題を解決するなど、彼が平和な世界を構築するために行った活動や多くの国を訪れたことが記されていました。彼は大統領である間はもちろん、それ以降も積極的に活動を行われていたそうです。

Oh! There is a replica of White house. Do I look like a president? lol

Jimmy Carter grew up at Boyhood Farm. There was the house he grew up, the farm and the store which was used. There are chickens, a dog and a cat. We were so lucky, because we could eat boiled peanuts :) That was awesome.
In Plains, a peanut is very famous and symbol. Peanuts festival is held every year.

Jimmy Carterさんが育ったBoyhood Farmでは、たまたまピーナッツを作っていたので、いただくことが出来ました♩とてもおいしかったです♩ここではピーナッツが有名でシンボルとされています。毎年ピーナッツフェスティバルが開かれるそうです !!

This trip was a so great experience for me. In my opinion, to believe God is to believe myself. That may be the key point of our life.

神を信じるというのは自分自身を信じるという意味にもとれるのではないでしょうか? :)


Our HJU professor visited us today!!

Hello. This is Mayu.

Today, our HJU professor Mr. Leeper and his wife, Elizabeth visited us at Wesleyan College.

今日、私たちの大学、広島女学院大学の教授のLeeper先生と奥さんのElizabethさんが私たちに会いにWesleyan Collegeまで来てくださいました。

They visited us right after we arrived at this college. So, it was a second time to meet at here!
We had a lunch together at the dining hall, and we told them about our school life.


Thank you for visiting us Mr. Leeper and Elizabeth!

President Nagao, we are waiting for you to come at the Wesleyan College!!
Please visit us while we are here!!!!!


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Fall Break -Mayu-

Hello! This is Mayu!
We had a fall break from October 12th to today. I had a great time with my friends, so I want to introduce about it!

10月12日から今日までFall breakで4連休でした。今回は私のこの連休を紹介したいと思います!

I went to the house of the equestrian team's friend, which is located at Alabama. So, Alabama became my 4th state to visit!! :)
We left school in the evening on Friday. On the way to there, time was changed, which was 1 hour before. I can never experience it in Japan, and I felt how America is big!!lol


 On Saturday, we went to tack shop to get my helmet and short boots. They are cheaper than buying in Japan, it is because there are more people who ride horses. I am so happy that I could get new one with good price!


For dinner, my friend's dad baked chicken for us! BBQ!! It was so good! :)
I could have "real" American home dinner!!


On Sunday, we went to Oak Mountain State Park to ride horse. We enjoyed trail riding. 
We walked in the forest with riding horse and it was really good!! :)
It was western style and I rode Western saddle for the first time. Since I was not used to it, my legs and butt are hurt.lol 
But anyway, I could enjoy a lot!!

日曜日はtrail ridingといって馬に乗って森の中を歩くというアクティビティをしにOak Mountain State Parkに行きました。ウェスタンスタイルの鞍に乗って約90分間♪自然に囲まれてとても気持ちよかったです!

Charline     -     Aaron     -     Mayu
We are all in the equestrian team and we love horses♡

On Monday, we had a great shopping day again! We do love shopping!! <3


With my fried's parents. They welcomed me a lot! Thank you so much!!

I could have a wonderful time! Thank you Aaron, Aaron's mom and dad, and Charline!!


Sunday, October 6, 2013

Wesleyan Great Tutoring System

Glad to write my second entry!
This time, me and Alice take the turn to write an entry (:
毎回の投稿が楽しみなAliceこと有彩です (:

Behind of a lot of fun college experiences, of course, we've never forget to study hard.
Sometimes, we can't handle our studying perfectly though we don't need to keep concerns in our minds.

When we are in need, every student can have tutors with most of all subjects.
Wesleyan College has a very good tutoring system to encourage our studying.
Even exchange students like us are able to get favors from this tutoring system.
Wesleyan Collegeでは全生徒一人一人の必要性に応じて、いつでもほぼ全ての科目に沿った個別指導、チューター制度を利用することができます。

From Wesleyan College Library. We can get tutoring any favorite place like library.

Like me, I have three tutors out of five my subjects, Women and Politics, Media Studies and Religion in India and China.
Perhaps, you imagined "teachers" for tutoring.
Surprisingly, all of tutors are students who study with us in same campus, Wesleyan College (:
私も驚いたんですが、チューター全員が私たちと共にWeslean Collegeで勉強している学生です (:

Every tutor must take a specific program for getting tutoring job.
Anybody who has Work Study will get job opportunity and tutoring is a part of this program.
Basically, this system forms like you can get your part time job opportunities in your university by getting credit.
As a Japanese student who used to work outside of my university, I wish I could to do like them ... ( ´ω` )
(I enjoyed my jobs in cinema and cram school though ... haha)
チューターとして学生支援をするには特定のWork Studyというプログラムに申し込む必要があり、申し込むと誰でもアルバイトの機会が与えられます。
日本でアルバイト掛け持ちを学外でしていた私にとって、ウチにもあれば絶対申し込みするのになー...なんて思ってしまいます ( ´ω` )
(学外アルバイトもそれなりに楽しんでましたけどね 笑)

One of the good advice for reading assignment from tutor, annotating. 
You see annotation each of paragraphs, that works to review what I read.
格段落の横に注釈をつけると、テスト前に全文読み返さなくても要点が復習できます (:

The contents of tutoring is pretty simple.
Students contact with their tutors for time schedules then during tutoring, students ask questions for subjects and their studying.
I've asked the effective reading training, question that based on my draft for response paper, definition of some jargons and so on.
Tutoring is 30 minutes in one time for one student so personally, to me, I need little bit more time.
But we can ask tutors through email as well.

"Most of your mistakes are grammatical correctness but still, you got strong grade, keep it up!"
One professor gave me this comment.
Slowly but gradually, my score is going towards to up after tutoring. (:
ゆっくりではありますが、チューター制度が徐々に効力を発揮してきたような気がして、嬉しいです (:

Coffee break after tutoring. Surprisingly for Japanese students, this coffee is from library. 

Personally, I believe this tutoring system will work for Japanese university.
Students can focus on their studying instead of taking their time for getting several jobs in outside of university.
(Go straight to job immediate after classes, work over until mid night, out of energy for doing assignments... my "beautiful" busy days ( ´△` ) haha )
Also they can help each other for their studying by getting job opportunity in their university and credit for class.
If Japanese universities catch up any little chance for students to encourage their academic opportunity, our society will towards to brighter than we can imagine.
(授業終了後にバイトへ直行ー、深夜近くまで勤務ー、帰っても疲れて課題どころじゃないー( ´△` )...なんてことにはならずに 笑)

By Alice

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

HJU Peace and Leadership Summer Seminar Reunion Dinner Party!

On the 28th of September (Saturday), the GSE girls went to a little cabin out in the Wesleyan Campus forest to have a reunion dinner party with Allison Pope, Dr. Rhoades and Dr. Huber. This reunion was for the HJU Peace and Leadership Summer Seminar of last year, where people from different countries came together and went to Thailand or India.

Wesleyan CollegeHuber先生とRhoades先生が、私たちをディナー・パーティーに招待してくださいました。去年のSummer Seminar参加者が キャンパスの奥にある山荘に再集結しました。

The following picture shows who came to the dinner party. 

When we arrived, dinner was not yet ready so Dr. Rhoades took us on a short 20 minute tour around the trail of the forest. There, he showed us the oldest tree ever in the forest. The reason why there is a huge hole in it is because lightening struck it a while ago. With the help of Dr. Huber's dogs (Freeda and Zeezoo), we safely arrived back to the cabin. 
Huber先生が夕食を作ってくださっている間に、Rhoades先生が 私たちに森を案内してくれました。先生は、しばらく歩いた先にある 森で一番樹齢の多い木をみせてくれました。 

Dinner was delicious, thanks to Dr. Rhoades and Dr. Huber for making it. During dinner, we all looked back on our experiences we all had at the Seminar last year. We each talked about our funny, sad, and exciting stories.

 I sat there thinking... I had the most wonderful opportunity ever. I had been blessed with the opportunity of joining this Seminar, and meeting these wonderful people. Whom one of them, is now my great friend, Allison. 

Not just Allison, but we made friends from different parts of the world, such as: Jamaica, China, and Vietnam. Because of this, we got to experience the different cultures of the world. I will miss Allison and everyone else when the school year ends. 

After dinner, we had dessert: Cheese cake, Pumpkin and Apple Pie. We had this while we all sat around a camp fire that Dr. Huber's husband started. We also had melted marshmallows, which is one of the well-known American camp-fire traditions. The experience was just amazing. 

By Mollie Hykel

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Hi! This is Mayu.

In the Wesleyan college, I am joining the equestrian team.
In this weekend, I had a first show of equestrian. So, I want to introduce my riding life in this college.


私はここWesleyan collegeで馬術のチームに所属しています。チーム初のインターナショナルスチューデントらしいです!!

Placticing / 練習

Equestrian center


I rode a horse twice a week, on Tuesday and Thursday. In this college, we do hunt seat or western. I am trying hunt seat now.
Since I have only experience of show jumping, I feel some difficulties. But I am really enjoying the lessons, and it can be great refreshment and exercise for me!! :)

私は一週間に2回レッスンがあります。ここの大学では馬術の中でも"hunt seat"か"western"という種目をやっていて、私はhunt seatのチームに所属しています。日本には無い競技で如何に美しく馬に乗り障害飛越をするかという競技です。

                          Show / 試合

On Saturday, I had an equestrian show. It is only for university/college students, so there were several university/college's equestrian teams.
In the show, there are two sections: jumping and flat. I competed in the flat section. 


  I comprted in Advanced trot and canter. In the show, we don't bring our horses from our college, but we meet a horse on that day at the show place for the first time, and compete with him. I rode on June, which is pony. He was pretty energetic in the show. I could not get a ribbon this time, and I felt little regrettable. But I think I did what I can do, and it became a great experience for me. I will have 2 more other shows while I am in this college. I hope next time will be better!!


Thank you!
