8 of GSE(Global Studies in English major) students from HJU are in the Wesleyan College in Georgia, USA for studying abroad.
Please enjoy our life in America!!

広島女学院大学GSEメジャーから8人の学生がアメリカのWesleyan Collegeに留学中です。

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

International Student Thanks Giving Dinner

Hello! This is Mayu.

Last weekend, Mizuki, Yoshie, Mollie and I participated International Student Thanks Giving Dinner.
We do not have a day "Thanks Giving Day" in Japan, so we did not have any idea about it. But it is one of the biggest holiday in America, and many students go back to their home and meet their family.

先週末、Mizuki, Yoshie, Mollie, Mayuの4人はインターナショナルサンクスギビング(感謝祭)ディナーに参加してきました。


Actually the thanks giving day is 4th Thursday in November so it is on 28th this year. But the dinner was held on November 22nd, and it was for international students. There are so many events for international students, and we can enjoy them a lot!! And also, we could learn about the American culture!!



We ate turkey!! :D It was really tasty! I loved it!!
From tomorrow, we have 5 days holiday, and each of us have some plan for this vacation!! We are really excited to experience the "real" thanks giving holiday in America! We will update about the thanks giving holiday soon!!

thank you!!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

I got a third place at the Horse Show!!

Hello! This is Mayu.

I had a horse show at Charleston, South Carolina on Saturday.
We left school on Friday after classes, and went there by car. It took about 4-5 hours. On Saturday, we left hotel on 7am to go to the show!


When we wear helmet, we need to use hair-net to make our hair put inside of the helmet. Since I am not used to it and it is difficult for me to do it by myself, my friends always helped me to wear helmet, in the shows :)


with Charline and Aaron♡

Since this show supposed to be a last show while I am staying in the USA, I just focused on enjoying. Last time, I was super nervous. But I did not nervous so much this time and I could enjoy!!


The results are told right after riding. Honestly, I did not expect anything. But my name was called as a third place!!!!!!! I was so surprised and really really happy!!!!!! I was more excited because my team mates also screamed for me when my name was called!! :D


I got a third place!! :D

I could have spent great time in the USA. I do believe that it is because I could join the equestrian team and met great friends and really nice coach at there!! It became a wonderful experience for me!! Thank you very much♡


This is the Link of the video of my riding. My friend shot this :)
Advanced walk/trot/canter Nov 16th, 2013

This is the Official Athletic Website of Wesleyan College

I will have one more community show in this weekend at Wesleyan College!!
So, I am excited about it!!:)


Thank you for reading!!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Origami Workshop!!

On Tuesday, we had an Origami Workshop in the Wesleyan College.
It was arranged by a student, and we were invited since we are from Japan.
There were some students and the school's stuff's family.
We taught some Origami, and enjoyed very much!!


they are creating Origami seriously!!

All the participants were so happy and excited after they could created Origami!!
One of the participants asked me when I started to create Origami. Many of the Japanese learn to make Origami when we were in kindergarten. We do it for an enjoyment and also as one of the culture. She said to me that it can be a good education to learn patience for children.

参加者の方に「いつ頃から折り紙を始めたのか」と聞かれました。多くの日本人は幼稚園に入園した頃から折り紙に触れ、遊びの一環として楽しみ、また日本の文化として学びます。 質問してくれた方は「子どもにとっては忍耐を学ぶのにとてもいいですね」とおっしゃっていました。


After the work shop! 
We created many Origami and enjoyed a lot!!

Through the event, I thought that Japan has really unique cultures, and many people from other countries are really interested in them. I think it can be said for all the culture from any countries. 
These days, I feel that many Japanese people want to learn about other countries with yearning to them, even though they do not have enough knowledge about their own country. However, to learn other cultures and other countries, it is necessary to know about our own culture, history and people. 


In this globalized world, we need to keep our identity. I thought the importance of my own culture and identity again through this enjoyable time. I will study more about Japan!! :)

グローバル化が謳われる中でこそ、アイデンティティを持ち続けなければならないのではないでしょうか。楽しい時間を通して、自国の文化と自分のアイデンティティの大切さを改めて感じました。日本についてもっと勉強します!! :)

Thank you!!

Monday, November 4, 2013

International Dinner

Hello! This is Mayu!!

Yesterday(November 2nd), we had a International Dinner, which was organized by the club of International students at the Wesleyan College. Since we are joining the club, we participated in the event and made two Japanese dishes, which are Nikujyaga and tamagoyaki.
There were so many dishes from many countries, and they tasted really well!! It was a great dinner and we could enjoy so much!!

昨日、11月3日にWesleyan CollegeでInternational Dinnerという留学生のクラブ主催のイベントが行なわれました。私たちもそのクラブに入っているので今回のイベントに参加し、肉じゃがと卵焼きをつくりました。

Arisa and I are serving Japanese food.

Kris and Mollie's turn!!

So many people came to the dining hall to enjoy the foods from all over the world!!
It was more than our expectation, so we were surprised!!


There were some performances from the International Students. We did a Japanese cultural performance too!!


The performance from Taiwan!!

We performed Bon-Dance, which is Japanese dance at the dinner time. Many people joined us and it was so fun!! I was really happy that we could do it!!



Performance from Nepal!!

We took many pictures!!
It was a great time!! 
Thank you!!


Saturday, November 2, 2013

Stone Mountain!!

Hello! This is Mayu.

Since some of us went to Stone Mountain in Atlanta last weekend, I want to introduce about it! Stone Mountain is one of the famous places in Georgia.
If you are interested in the details of Stone Mountain, you can learn from this LINK!

先週末にアトランタで有名な場所の一つであるStone Mountainという場所に行ってきました!

Yoshie, Mizuki and I went there!! It was the event for International Students in Georgia state. So, we could meet many students from all over the world in this trip.  Of course we met some other students from Japan!!
Before climbing the Stone Mountain, we gathered in the picnic space, and had a lunch together!! The lunch was provided by the regional church and it was really good. Since it hardly happen in Japan, I was surprised and I could touch one of the aspects of the American culture with religion.

Stone Mountainに登る前にピクニックをするための広場に全員が集まり、お昼ご飯をみんなで食べました!昼食はすべて地元の教会から提供されたものでとても美味しかったです!教会から食べ物を提供してもらうということは日本では出会ったことが無かったので驚きました。アメリカの宗教的文化の一部に触れることが出来ました。

After lunch, we moved to the Stone Mountain, and climbed! It was not so hard, but not so easy, and it could be great exercise for me.

昼食の後、いよいよStone Mountainに登ります!そんなに大変な山登りではありませんが、すごく楽!という訳でもなく、良い運動になりました。

The view from the top of the Stone Mountain!!

At the top of the mountain

After come down a mountain, we moved to a Stone Mountain Theme Park to see the laser show, which started from 8:00pm!! It was so beautiful and I loved it so much!!

山を降りたあと、私たちはStone Mountain Theme Parkという所に移動し、夜8時からのレーザーショーを見ました!とても奇麗で迫力のあるショーでした!!

This is the place which the show was held!

You can see a part of our short trip from this LINK! 

Stone Mountain trip short movie

Thank you!!