8 of GSE(Global Studies in English major) students from HJU are in the Wesleyan College in Georgia, USA for studying abroad.
Please enjoy our life in America!!

広島女学院大学GSEメジャーから8人の学生がアメリカのWesleyan Collegeに留学中です。

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Lat Day of the Wesleyan College in Fall Semester

Hello. This is Mayu.

I could not write a blog since we had finals for this semester.
All of us finished everything, and we are leaving the Wesleyan College.

無事にすべてが終了し、私たちはWesleyan Collegeを去ります。

Today, we had a Japanese food lunch party, and some of our friends participated in it. We made Okonomiyaki, tenpura, Sushi, and Somen.
It was a great time, and all of us could enjoy it!!


In this semester, we could have a great experiences and enjoy the life in America.
There were so many things we cannot do in Japan, and I am sure that those experiences will be a next step for our future.
I really appreciate to President Nagao, Hiroshima Jogakuin University in Japan, Wesleyan College, family, and all friends and professors who supported me.
Thank you so much!!

長尾学長先生、広島女学院大学、Wesleyan College, 家族、そして私を支えてくれた友人や先生方に本当に感謝しています。ありがとうございました。

Although this program was only for one semester, we got a chance to stay one more semester, and I decided to stay here. So, I will study more and get more experiences in the next 6 months.

このプログラムはもともと、Ⅰセメスターだけだったのですが、もう1セメスター延長というチャンスをいただき、私は残ることに決めました。もう6ヶ月ここWesleyan Collegeに滞在し、更に勉強を頑張ると共により多くの経験をして日本に帰ろうと思います。

I made a new blog to write about my experiences of studying abroad in America, so I put the link of it :)

Thank you for checking our blog. Hopefully you could enjoy it!!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Holiday Banquet

Hello! This is Mayu.
Today, I want to introduce about a event which was held yesterday.

We had "Holiday Banquet" for the dinner. Since we don't have such kind of event in Japanese schools, I was not sure what was going on.
Before this day, we needed to sign up for a table which was hosted by teachers in the Wesleyan college. I signed up for a table of my equestrian team coach.


昨日のディナーは"Holiday Banquet"というイベントを兼ねた食事でした。日本の学校では馴染みのないものなので、始まるまでどのようなイベントなのか分からないまま参加しました。

The banquet was held in the dinning hall, and there were so many people!! Each tables had some themes and they were decorated by the teacher who were hosting us. I sit with the equestrian team members and had a meal together.



Teachers hosted us(students), and they brought some food and drinks for us. It was interesting for me, since we never have it in Japan. But I thought that it could be a good chance to communicate with teachers or faculty members in the college.


another table, which Mizuki, Mollie, Kris and Allison were sitting

At the ending of the event, we got lots of "A" to get A on final exams!!
I will have lots of paper dues and exams almost everyday on next week, so I will do my best for it!!!!!

Thank you!!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Had a Good Time with Japanese Class Students

Hello, this is Mayu.

Today, Arisa and I got a chance to talk about Japan to some Japanese class students. We did a presentation to introduce about Japan and Hiroshima, which is the prefecture where we come from.
Then, we did some games related with Japan, and Japanese.
After that, we helped some students to wear yukata, which is Japanese traditional clothes.
We are glad that they are interested in Japan and Japanese, and it was a great opportunity for us to talk about Japan!



Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Thanksgiving Break! - Arisa -

Hello there!
Let me write my Thanksgiving break with Mayu's entry.
Well, as you see from the title, I visited different place from other GSE girls (:

タイトルから見てお察しの通り、GSEのみんなとは別の場所に行ってきました (:

Fortunately, my roommate, Taylor and her family said yes to have me in her house during Thanksgiving break (:
I knew Thanksgiving is pretty important event for certain people though I've never had "real Thanksgiving" since I've spent most my life in Japan.
Through my first experience in this year, I felt Thanksgiving is more likely Japanese new year break.

幸運にもルームメイトが家に招いてくれたので、ご好意に甘えてお邪魔させてもらいました (:

With Taylor's little sister, Tyra. One Direction and dancing are her life ;)
妹のタイラ。ワンダイレクションとダンスが大好きです ;)

Needless to say, I helped to cook Thanksgiving meals !
(Um... for your information, I was not just loafing around for entire break haha)
Through cooking and eating meals, there is a lot of interesting differences I learned.
Even the sweet potato's color, that was new for me haha
Left picture is a process for sweet potato (:
Of course, croissants are homemade as well.

(四六時中ごろごろしてた訳じゃないことを、一応ご参考までに 笑)
左の写真が料理途中のサツマイモです (:

I forgot the real name and to take picture though we cooked very huge green vegetable as well.
... That was the hugest leaves ever I've seen in my life haha.
The length is average more than my one arm length !

... アメリカは食材までもが大きいです 笑

After we get each of our meals...
Ta-dah! Ready to eat.

Through this Thanksgiving, having cozy and relax time with Taylor's family made me feel so much better.
Since I've left my home for my study abroad, more than I could notice, I missed the time that I could spent with "family".


We had Skype chat with my mom and brother as well.
To me, Taylor and her family helped me to remember that family bond is preferable to borders.


We only have very few days towards to the end of this semester in Wesleyan College.
But we'll indulge every single new experience until the last a moment (:

Wesleyan Collegeでの大学生活も残りわずかになってしまいましたが、残りの生活で体験できることは存分に楽しみ、有意義な留学にしようと思います (:


Monday, December 2, 2013

Thanks Giving Break! ~Yoshie, Miku, Mayu~

Hello! This is Mayu!

I had a great thanks giving vacation! I spent time with Yoshie, Miku, and Cheyenne who I met in the Peace and Leadership Summer Seminar at Hiroshima Jogakuin University last year. She invited us to the thanks giving holiday at the beginning of this semester, and it realized finally!!


とっても素敵なThanks Giving Vacation(感謝祭休暇)を過ごしてきました!一緒に留学しているYoshie, Mikuと昨年、広島女学院大学で行なわれたピース&リーダーシップサマーセミナーでとても仲良くなったCheyenneのお宅にお世話になりました。留学が始まったばかりの頃に私たちに会いに大学に来てくれた時にこの休暇に遊びにおいでと誘ってもらい、ついに実現しました!!

Cheyenne came to the Wesleyan College to pick us up and we left school after the classes on 26th, and went to her house.
On 27th, we went to Disney World in Florida together! We had a great time and enjoyed a lot!!



November 28th was the Thanks Giving Day, so we had a special dinner at her house. We ate turkey, gravy, mashed potato, sweet potato, green beans, pumpkin pie...which are really traditional thanks giving dinner. Everything was really tasty, and I loved them so much!!

28日はThanks Giving Day当日でした。私たちは彼女のお宅で特別な料理をごちそうになりました。七面鳥、マッシュポテト、サツマイモ、さやえんどう、カボチャパイなど伝統的な感謝祭の料理をいただきました。どれもとても美味しくて、私たちみな料理をとても楽しみました!
the turkey was really big!!!!!


On 29th,  her mother took us to the Saint Simons Island, which is near from her house.
We left her house on 30th around noon. Cheyenne's brother brought us back to the college. On the way to the college, we went to Savannah since we had never been to there. It was a pretty town! Thank you for bringing us to there!!

29日は彼女のお母さんに近くのSaint Simons Islandという島に連れて行ってもらいました。

at Savannah

This wonderful time happened since I entered the Hiroshima Jogakuin University and could meet Cheyenne at the seminar last summer. I really appreciate her great kindness!! 
I have met so many people from from lots of countries after entering my university, and I think all of the meetings with my great friends give me wonderful life experiences and great time! 
I do hope to meet her again while I am in the Wesleyan College!!
Thank you so much for hosting us and giving great time Cheyenne and her lovely family!! I really appreciate your all kindness. <3

Wesleyan College滞在中にまた彼女に会えたらいいなと思っています!!
Cheyenne, そして素敵なご家族に感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。ありがとうございました。
with her family :) thank you so much!!