8 of GSE(Global Studies in English major) students from HJU are in the Wesleyan College in Georgia, USA for studying abroad.
Please enjoy our life in America!!

広島女学院大学GSEメジャーから8人の学生がアメリカのWesleyan Collegeに留学中です。

Monday, September 30, 2013

Embracing new experiences^^

September 27, 2013

  Hello everyone, I'm Kris.!!Today I would like
  to introduce three things that I like the most
  here in Wesleyan College.
 Wesleyan Collegeの良さについて

                                                      First:     "Making new Friends"

Being in a foreign country is indeed challenging. But if you know that you have true friends
beside you, everything will be easy and possible. In the short period of time of my stay here
Wesleyan, I have made many new wonderful friends and reunited with my old friends. 
Because we came from different countries and grew up in different cultures, I find it always
interesting to listen to their ideas and thoughts not only because it's new, but because I am
learning from them. For example,on how they see and interpret things based on their own
cultural perspectives which is really different to mine and other Japanese friends as we have
 our own different culture. However, I believe that despite of having so many differences,
my new friends and I have one thing in common, we are all unique and we give
importance to each other. :-)

約半年間という短い留学期間の中で、GSEのメンバーは留学前からもちろんのこと、Wesleyan Collegeでも素晴らしい友人に恵まれています。多様な文化で育ってきた友人たちから学ぶことが多く、彼女たちの物事の考え方や意見を聞くたびにとても興味が湧いてきます。
一人一人異なる文化を持っていますが、全てに共通して言えることは、みんなとても個性豊かで素晴らしい文化だということです :-)

                                          Second:   "Learning other foreign Language"

   Hola! Me Llamo Kris:-) Soy de Japon.
  Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I'm learning Spanish!! To be completely honest, of all the
interesting  subjects I  have here in Wesleyan, Spanish class is my FAVORITE^^
I learned a little bit about Spanish when I was   a kid, because my Grandfather sometimes
talked to me in Spanish. But when I grew up I lost my interest in    learning the language as
I focused more on learning English. Now I am taking Spanish class, though my professor
is from Africa, he speaks fluently in Spanish and as a matter of fact his first language is French!
Now I learned how to use basic Spanish words to make a conversation. I am really glad
because aside from enhancing and developing my English ability skills, I am also able to learn
a new foreign language which I believe will be a stepping stone towards my beautiful future.

とても充実している科目数の中でも、私の一番お気に入りの授業です ^^

                                                          Third: "Service Learning"

When I was in Japan, my beloved school, Hiroshima Jogakuin University gave us
an opportunity to have experienced the Peace and Leadership program and
Fieldwork Abroad. Being part of the program, I learned many incredible things,
especially about serving people. Now, here in Wesleyan College, I and two of my
classmates from Jogakuin are taking the Service Learning class, here our Professor
involves us in community service activities and teach us to apply our experience into
 our personal and academic development. We are learning different social issues and
 how to engage ourselves in order to help people in need.

広島女学院大学で昨年開催されたピース&リーダーシップ サマーセミナー、タイ王国でのフィールドワークで心温かな人たちとの出会いも今の私の糧となっているように、Wesleyan Collegeでも今後の人生の糧となる授業に参加しています。Service Learningという科目名の授業で、学術的にも一個人としても成長していけるプログラムが組み込まれています。教授が学生の意欲を一瞬たりとも逃さず、実践的な課外活動やボランティア活動に良い意味で学生も地域社会も「巻き込んで」両者ともに成長できるような内容の授業になっています。学生それぞれが自分自身の興味に基づき、多様な社会問題について知り、人々の助けになる活動に従事することを学んでいます。

   We also do some volunteer activities such as; Tutoring in middle and high school students, feeding the homeless, WOW a day event and many more. Recently  we volunteered at OCMULGEE National Monument Festival. It was a native american festival attended by more than 3,000 people. We were separated to do our own jobs, some of us, were in a shop, Mollie and I were in a clay table, entertaining
and helping the kids on how to make different things using clay. Though it was a bit tiring we had so much FUN!!^^

課外授業でのボランティア活動内容も充実していて、これまで参加した活動内容は、近隣の小中高等学校にチューターとして訪問したり、ホームレスの人々に食料を手渡したりしました。一番最近参加したボランティア活動は、Ocmulgee 国立記念祭で、原住民のネイティブアメリカンの文化を凝縮した祭典でのボランティアスタッフとして働きました。3,000人以上もの方が訪れるとても大きなイベントで、私とMollieは粘土コーナーで原住民が実際に使用していた粘土を使って子ども達と一緒に作品作りに携わっていました。少し疲れる作業ではありましたが、とっても楽しかったです^^

This is only the beginning of our journey here in Wesleyan. I know that there are tons of more interesting things and events are yet to come. However, I am willing to learn and embrace all of them because just like any of my fellow GSE friends, I am here to study, learn, explore, to find myself, be independent and of most of all to enjoy and have fun:-)
Thank you so much^^

まだまだWesleyan Collegeでの留学生活はほんの序盤ですが、これからさらに充実した経験が待っていることを考えると、経験できること、学べること、自分探し、人生を楽しむこと全てにおいて、できることは何でも積極的に行っていこうと思っています :-)

Monday, September 23, 2013

My Roomie

Hi, I'm Alice (Arisa).
Finally, it's my turn to write on this blog.
Did you miss any of our recent blog entries?
No worries, check them out from me ;)
みんなそれぞれに貴重な体験を書いているので、ぜひ見てみてくださいね ;)

Mizuki has already written about how we started getting use to living in a dorm at Wesleyan College.
So let me introduce the dormitory life with my roommate, Taylor.
MizukiがすでにWesleyan Collegeの寮生活の序盤について書いていますが、私はルームメイト、Taylor(テイラー)との生活について具体的に書きたいと思います。

Here, Wesleyan College provides a dormitory system for most students, and there are five dormitories, Persons, Banks, Wortham, Hightower and Jones Hall.
At first, Taylor and I lived in Hightower, but now, we're living in Persons.
Wesleyan Collegeでは、寮生が大半ということもあり、パーソンズ、バンクス、ウォーサム、ハイタワー、ジョーンズホールと、合計5棟もの寮があります。

Before we decided about moving from our old dormitory, we actually asked our neighbors about it, honestly.
Of course, we had some "drama"with this story as you can guess haha.
気分転換にお引っ越し〜( ´▽` )なんて理由ではなく、笑 ご近所さんに本音を話して交渉することを伴っての引っ越しでした。
お察しの通り、引っ越すにあたって様々なドラマが背景にはあったんですよー 笑

Yet to us, it strengthened our relationship.
I came to appreciate how my roommate supports me and how lucky I am to have a wonderful roommate and a sister like her.

From her when I backed from classes. She knows my favorites.

While living in here, I have learned the importance of communication and how it can influence people.
Also, one of the big difference between Japan and here is, I can claim my right to ask people for information here than in Japan.
Though it may sound very serious, since got here,  most things have had the possibility of changing by getting to know just one person , either for better or for worse and or from positive to their negative side.
なんだかとっても深刻に聞こえますが... 笑 事実、ここではたった小さな主張が物事を良いようにも悪いようにも左右します。

And this time, things have worked out in a better way than I expected.
Now, I have come to love my new dorm life with my best roommate :)
今は引っ越し先の寮生活を文武ともにルームメイトと楽しんでいます :)

We experienced not only "drama" haha.
We have enjoyed Asian dinners and movie nights with Yoshie, Mizuki and Yoshie's roommate, enjoyed wearing yukata (Japanese traditional casual cloth) and we even spend a wonderful time and indulge ourselves in the pool, and so on..
もちろん、先ほど書いた「ドラマ」ばかりではありません 笑

When Taylor wore my yukata in our room with our friend Christye, Taylor and me. (from the right side)

Sometimes we also have passed through some challenges together...
(Like when our bathroom flooded...well, that was my fault though haha)
(トイレが洪水で水浸しになったときとか... でもあれは私が原因 笑)

To take all things together, I would love to say that we have come to enjoy each other's company more and more each day.

Hope she'll like my entry...
テイラーもこの記事を気に入ってくれたら嬉しいです :)

Kris will have the next turn to write ♪

Friday, September 20, 2013

Nice to meet Wesleyannes @ Dining Hall

Hello, everyone. I'm Shoko. It's my turn today.
みなさんに、私たちGSEのブログを 楽んで頂けることを祈って、投稿していきたいと思います。
↑ This is drawn by my roommate, Ineta. Why don't you think it's so nice? :)
なかなかセンスがあるでしょう?私の自慢のルームメイトです! :)

Today, I would like to talk about "How we make friends with Wesleyannes".
さて、今回はWesleyan Collegeでの様々な出会いについて 述べていきたいと思います。
↑GSE girls with Cheyenne at the Dining Hall

The Dining Hall is the best place to make friends with various kinds of students who are not always taking same classes but sometimes in very different major.
They are always so kind and friendly if we could smile and show the honesty and gentleness each other. That's simple. We do not have to think about our differences such as first languages, age, mother country and cultural background so much, considering each other as the human beings is the most important point though.
The Dining Hall can provide us not only hot food in relaxation but also great opportunity to have good convercations with various kinds of friends.
毎日 ※朝・昼・夕の3食が、バイキング形式で提供されます。
私たちがWesleyan Collegeに来て 約1ヶ月ですが、私はダイニングホールに行くと毎回、10人くらいの友人とお話するのが恒例になっています。
初対面でも、"Can I sit down here? / Can I sit down next to you?"と笑顔で話し掛けると、"Sure!"と、みんな快く応じてくれます。
おかげで 同じ授業を採っている友人だけでなく、全く異なるメジャーの友人も多数います。
それぞれ、授業や課題の疲れから解放と 温かくて美味しい食事を前に、とてもリラックスした状態なので 話し掛ける絶好のチャンスなのです。
↑Colorful cupcakes at the Dining Hall
For example, I have a friend from Bangladesh. She is one year younger than me. Our major is totally different. We have various kinds of differences.  However, those differences can become the precious materials of our talks. 
These days, I'm close to her. Whenever we meet, she always came to me and call me "*Shoku~~~!!!". (*My name is Shoko though. :)! haha)
When I visited her room, she showed the picture album which presented from the her friends in her hometown to me. And then, she also showed how to pray in Islam to me. It is called "Salat". She performs prayers 5 times a day to Mecca because she is Muslim. I realized that watching "how to pray in Islam" performed by my friend was obviously different from just reading some textbooks of the world hisory. It was very good culture shock for me.
たとえば、私にはバングラデシュ人の友人が居ます。メジャーも全然違えば、文化も言語も全く異なります。年齢だって異なります。しかし、それらの違いこそが 私たちの対話の貴重な材料となっているのです。"差異/違いを豊かさに"という言葉がありますが、まさに その通りだと思います。
もちろん、同じ留学生ならではの悩みや葛藤、カルチャーショックといった共通点も いっぱいあります。女の子同士なので共通点も多く、いわゆるガールズトークもします。
すっかり打ち解けた今では、出会うといつも、"※Shoku~~~!!!"と言って駆け寄って来てくれます。(※私の名前はShokoです。言い難いのでしょう。ここは、年上の器量の見せ所ですね。 :)! )

彼女の寮の部屋を訪れた際には、故郷の大事なお友達からのプレゼントのアルバムを見せてくれたり、イスラム教の「サラート」という礼拝の様子も特別に見せてくれました。1日に5回、聖都・メッカの方角に向けて お祈りするそうです。世界史の教科書や資料集を読んで テストの為に覚えるのと、ひとりの友人が目の前でお祈りする姿とでは、感じるものが断然違います。「友だちに、私のことをもっと知ってほしい」、「友だちのことを、もっと知りたい」という思いが、その差を生むのだと思います。

↑with my Viernamese Best Friend
We look like sisters!

By the way, I have a Vietnamese wonderful friend. We met last summer when we participated in "Summer Seminar" at HJU. She is like my older sister!
When I was having dinner with her and her friends at the Dining Hall, one of them invited her friends to the Pool Party held by her host family. Then, I didn't think I was also invited because I met her for the first time at that time but she invited me,too. I was so surprised and thought "I'm so lucky!". I invited some GSE girls, too. Thanks to all of them, I could make precious summer memory. Thank you very much.
また、私には親しいベトナム人の友人が居ます。彼女とは、昨年のSummer Seminarという国際交流プログラムの時からの仲です。彼女とも、年齢・文化・母語・メジャー、全てが異なりますが、いつも温かく接してくれる彼女は、私にとって お姉ちゃんのような存在です。

ある日、私は 彼女の仲よしグループに加わって食事を摂っていました。すると、その中の一人の友人が、「私のホストファミリーが、今週末にプール・パーティーをするから、一緒に行かないか」と、まったく初対面の私も誘ってくれたのです。驚きました。「こんな ラッキーなことって、世の中にあるんだ!」と、感動しました。彼女たちのおかげで、思いがけず、貴重な夏の思い出を作ることが出来ました。どうもありがとう。
↑the Dining Hall & Rainbow :)
In conclusion, Wesleyan College has so wonderful, heartwarming community.
HJU and Wesleyan College gave us a great opportunity to study abroad.
We'll continue to have a good time and study hard.

長くなりましたが 何が言いたいのかというと、Wesleyan Collegeのコミュニティは 温かくて素晴らしいということです。私たちは本当に、恵まれた環境に身を置かせて貰っていると思います。
これからも引き続き、勉学に励みつつ 留学生活を楽しませてもらおうと思います。
Thank you so much.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wesleyan Events

Hello everyone! I'm Miku.
This time, I'd like to share you some wondeful events at Wesleyan college.


                                                      ROCK CLIMBING
During the orientation, rock climbing wall suddenly appeared on campus! Of course we, Mollie, Mizuki and Miku, tried climing. Mollie climbed the hardest part of wall, mine was the easiest and Mizuki did the middle level one. That was so fun!!


                                                GLOW FOAM PARTY
 Also we participated glow foam party. We danced to music in mounds of foam. Foam machine and DJ came to our campus and everyone went nuts!! Some students are really good at dancing. They jazzed the party up!!


Our college provides a lots of events with us. So we cannot have tired! Yes, we can't just study all day everyday. Let's refresh ourselves!



Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Less class but more work!!!

Hey everyone! I'm Mollie Hykel, and it is my turn to let everyone know what we, GSE girls, are doing here in Wesleyan. So I thought I would like to talk about the classes that I am taking.

Although many of us are taking less classes here than in Jogakuin University, we all agree that it is harder work over here. There are many reasons. But the main reason is perhaps because of how much reading we have to do. Also, I have heard from many of the girls that the Southern accents are harder to catch.
広島女学院大学でとっていた授業より少ないが、勉強する量が増えました。その理由とは、読む量が多いからだと思います。そして、 南部のアクセントも聞き取りにくいとみんな言っています。

So, to give you an idea, I will introduce some of my classes to you.


Currently, we are reading the class book called 'THE SOCIAL ANIMAL'. So what exactly is Social Psychology? It is "the influences that people have upon the beliefs, feelings, and behavior of others". This is a quote from the book. But in my own words, Social Psychology is how we, humans, care about what other people think of us. For example, if we all were to give our opinions about Barack Obama (the President of the United States) and everyone, except you, gave negative opinions, but you had a positive opinion... you will be pressured to think negatively about Obama because you are scared about the fact that you might be isolated if you do not.
The above picture is the book we are using to study Social Psychology.


For this class, we will use three books to study. At the moment, we are using only one book. So far, we have studied about interpreting and understanding images by carefully analyzing the angle of the camera, or what the subject has with them. In addition, we are learning about Semiotics which is an effective way of interpreting messages. We will have a presentation next class (on Thursday) but it will be pretty easy because it will only be 2 to 3 minutes.


Yes, this is a class. About half of the GSE girls are taking this class because it is so rare, and we do not have anything like this in Japan. I am taking this class especially because I love horses, and the horses relieve my stress from homework and school. I believe we would all agree with this.

I plan to work hard on all of my subjects, and keep getting good grades until the very end.

Thank you.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

This is how we spend weekend!

Hi! My name is Yoshie Ninokata. Today, I'm going to write about how I spend last Sunday.

On Sunday Sep. 9th, I went to church in downtown of Macon, GA. Guess what I was said when I entered in the church! It was "Do you want to have some coffe?". I was so surprised because we were little bit late and the service was already started. I mean, I expected "classical" and "elegant" style of church so I couldn't think of drinking coffe during service! and what I saw there was...

full band music, people standing, singing a loud and clapping their hands, and joiful and delightful faces. It was impressive, exciting and even beyond description. Who can imagine that church in Japan?! I even suspected "Is it really a 'good' church...?". But it was. The content of preech was amazing, and empathetic. I had a great time there. And I hope more people join me next week so that they can feel the joy and power!

After that, we went back to our university and had lunch with frinds in their apartment. My dear friend Jessie and Chin cooked Asian taste soup and fried rice for us. It was so delicious.. Since we are tired out of "American food"(we have hamburger and pizza almost every meal...), it was great to have that!

And that day was a birthday of Chin so we had a ice cream cake! It was a present from Mr. Billy, who is the proffesor of religion in Wesleyan College. yummy yummy...
Overall, I spend great weekend last week! Hope I'll be able to have more time with sweet friends♡

Thank you for reading :)
Hope you enjoyed!
God bless you!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Our residence life

Hello :) I'm Mizuki.

I introduce our residence hall !! Almost all Wesleyan students live in residence hall.
We have room mate and sweet mate. One room is used by two people, and two rooms use a bathroom.

When I came to my room first time, there are not any stuffs in the room, so I had to buy a lot of goods for sleeping, cleaning and using bathroom, but that was fun like starting a single life.
And I was surprised, because the bed is higher than Japanese one. It is difficult to lie down on the bed for me.



I had felt not only pleasure but also anxiety before I met my room mate, but now I'm enjoying. My room mate is from Vietnam, so I will be able to experience not only American culture but also Vietnamese culture! I'm looking forward to my school life :)


こんにちは。Mizukiです :)



Sunday, September 8, 2013

We are in the Wesleyan College!!

Hello! I'm Mayu.

Now we are in the Wesleyan college in Macon, Georgia, US.

Eight of us(GSE students) are here for the exchange program for one semester. We came here on August 14th and we are spending time at here almost one month!!

To tell our experiences in this college, we start this blog! Even though we are from same university in Japan, we are taking different classes and participating different activities. So you can expect some varieties of the school life in America. We hope you can enjoy!! :)


今、GSEの8人は大学の交換留学でアメリカのGeorgia, MaconにあるWesleyan collageにいます。