8 of GSE(Global Studies in English major) students from HJU are in the Wesleyan College in Georgia, USA for studying abroad.
Please enjoy our life in America!!

広島女学院大学GSEメジャーから8人の学生がアメリカのWesleyan Collegeに留学中です。

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Lat Day of the Wesleyan College in Fall Semester

Hello. This is Mayu.

I could not write a blog since we had finals for this semester.
All of us finished everything, and we are leaving the Wesleyan College.

無事にすべてが終了し、私たちはWesleyan Collegeを去ります。

Today, we had a Japanese food lunch party, and some of our friends participated in it. We made Okonomiyaki, tenpura, Sushi, and Somen.
It was a great time, and all of us could enjoy it!!


In this semester, we could have a great experiences and enjoy the life in America.
There were so many things we cannot do in Japan, and I am sure that those experiences will be a next step for our future.
I really appreciate to President Nagao, Hiroshima Jogakuin University in Japan, Wesleyan College, family, and all friends and professors who supported me.
Thank you so much!!

長尾学長先生、広島女学院大学、Wesleyan College, 家族、そして私を支えてくれた友人や先生方に本当に感謝しています。ありがとうございました。

Although this program was only for one semester, we got a chance to stay one more semester, and I decided to stay here. So, I will study more and get more experiences in the next 6 months.

このプログラムはもともと、Ⅰセメスターだけだったのですが、もう1セメスター延長というチャンスをいただき、私は残ることに決めました。もう6ヶ月ここWesleyan Collegeに滞在し、更に勉強を頑張ると共により多くの経験をして日本に帰ろうと思います。

I made a new blog to write about my experiences of studying abroad in America, so I put the link of it :)

Thank you for checking our blog. Hopefully you could enjoy it!!

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